Tuesday, February 20, 2007

After a While. Sorry for the delay

Well my friends, first I need to say I'm sorry for the delay in posting but I was short on time and photos =P.
One new thing I want to tell you about is, as you have already noticed, for now on I will write everything in English. My friends here asked me if I could start doing it so they can understand something. (I personally think that they only want to see if I don't say nothing bad about them =D right Mel? ;) )
I hope that they can start comment my posts now that they can understand.

Now, the real interesting stuff (or not). My life and how am I holding on in Sweden.
Well, until now is everything OK. No worries. I'm eating well, I'm partying often and I have friends who I can talk to, so I really like to be here. Its awesome.
The only major thing here is the people I miss. For the ones that can understand, I have a lot of "Saudades" of eveybody. Believe me, you are being missed here =) (For the ones that didn't understand the word, probably is time to learn some portuguese, lol, joking. I can say that "Saudade" is the feeling that makes you miss someone or something.)
If it wasn't for all my friends and family I could say that I could live here.
The biggest problem is the study. LOL. I had an exam on the last Saturday, the 17th of February, and the week before I almost spend it all trying to study. The exam wasn't that good though. It will be a miracle if I can pass.
One thing that I really like, specially when I'm with my work group trying to do the project or with my buddy group, is to talk about cultural differences. We are so many that I can virtually learn something about at least one or two countries in each continent (except Africa).
Well, but enough with the talking. I know that what you really want is to see some pictures.
I have here some pictures from past days that I only received now. Here they are:

This was on the 23th of January. A pre party in Lyan 61 (korridor) and the we went to the pub Stallarna.
This photos next were taken on the 27th of January. Nice snow hey? =) And photos of the Corridor Crawl on PG16 (this ones are enough. the others are very degrading =p)

Ok, the next ones are from the day we visit the castle. 7th February.

This next ones are from last week. (As you can see, it was a little cold ;p. In the photos there is me an Miguel's (general and piercing) an Joana and Miguel, Me again with Joana's Guests (her sister and a friend))

and we have always time for playing against tough competitors in our free time (right miguel? =P LOL)

Well guys, and girls ;p, I hope you have liked this set of pictures. I'm receiving the photos from the last weekend so I will not take too many time until I put them here.

For you guys that are still in Portugal, I hope that you are jealous enough =D EHEH
Hope you can visit me any time soon.

Kisses to everyone

Miss you all, my family and friends

And to the people here in Växjö, see you tonight at Stallarna ;)

p.s.- please in your comments say just one thing that you would like me to tell you about. so I can have something to talk about, and to tell you about the experience, because like this I think that not many things are important and I put only photos

Sunday, February 4, 2007

After 2 weeks =)

Olá pessoal tudo bem? Então, com saudades?? LOL, eu sei que não.
Venho só aqui dizer olá e dizer que ainda não morri e mostrar-vos mais umas fotos para verem como isto tem estado a ser.
Aqui estou numa residência na cidade, onde morava a Joana, num almoço lá com o pessoal todo da residência. Como podem ver come-se sempre bem. Nunca falta =)

Bem, aqui em baixo sou eu no IKEA. Não se podia deixar de vir à Suécia sem lá ir =D LOL
Ahh, esquéci-me de dizer. Isto no meio da neve, claro =) É sempre bom.

Bem, em cima à esquerda estou em mais uma maluqueira com os prédios do meu apartamento como fundo. E à direita num comum almoço com os tugas na residência deles.

Esta foto foi tirada ontem, no início do Welcome Dinner, acompanhado pela minha buddie e pelo pessoal do meu buddie group. As raparigas são todas suecas e os rapazes espanhóis excepto o segundo a contar da direita q como podem perceber pela vestimenta é mexicano.

Espero que tenham gostado. Ainda estou à espera de mais. Depois coloco aqui.
Beijos e abraços

Fiquem bem